People at an event


The first step of every aspiring change maker

Ranging from workshops, talks and panel discussions to breakfasts and networking events... Participate for free or create your own.

Attend events

Check out our curated event calendar and take your pick!
Helsinki Think Company Viikki, Latokartanonkaari 3, 00790 Helsinki

Rest&Reset-The Power of Sleep for Mental Health

Come join this event where you:

  • will meet other people having similar sleep difficulties
  • can share your sleep story in a safe space
  • get inspiration with sleep tools, practices and techniques
  • experience guidance from the Sleep Coach

Welcome to connect and get inspired!

Sign up here!
Yliopistonkatu 4

Helsinki Think Company Association Fall Meeting

Are you passionate about entrepreneurship, social impact, or turning academic skills into action? If yes, apply to join the board of Helsinki Think Company!

Being on the board means joining an inspiring community and gaining a unique experience that supports both your personal and professional growth.

Read more, become a member and apply from the link below.

Read more
Helsinki Think Company Viikki, Latokartanonkaari 3, 00790 Helsinki, Finland

To-Do Tuesday

To-Do Tuesday is back on 26.11.!

Bring along your unfinished tasks (and maybe some friends) and join us at Viikki Think Company for a productive Tuesday! Organized in partnership with Think Company and Helix ry.

Drop by for the whole event or just the time that works for you. No registration needed. See you there!

Helsinki Think Company City Center, Yliopistonkatu 4, 00100 Helsinki

WorkWELL: Physical Health and Vitality Workshop

Are you an entrepreneur looking to thrive both professionally and personally? Do you struggle with balancing your work and wellbeing?

Look no further—WorkWELL is designed just for you! Both entrepreneurs and anyone with an entrepreneurial mindset are welcome!

All workshops are free and conducted in English. Hosted by an entrepreneur, a psychologist, and neuroscientists.

Sign up!
Helsinki Think Company Viikki, Latokartanonkaari 3, 00790 Helsinki, Finland

Pizza 'N' Beer Viikki

Pizza ‘N’ Beer menussa pitsaa, olutta ja ajankohtaisia puheenvuoroja innovaatioista, yrittäjyydestä ja urasta.

Tapahtuman järjestävät Innovaatioagentit MMTDK ja Helsinki Think Company.

Lisätietoja ja ilmoittautuminen allaolevasta linkistä.

Tapahtuma on maksuton ja järjestetään suomeksi. Tervetuloa!

Sign up!
Helsinki Think Company Viikki, Latokartanonkaari 3, 00790 Helsinki, Finland

Bio- ja ympäristötieteiden työelämäilta

Helsinki Think Company, Symbioosi ry, MYY ry ja Helix ry järjestävät uraillan, joka on suunnattu bio- ja ympäristötieteiden opiskelijoille sekä kaikille, joita kiinnostaa uramahdollisuudet alan yrityksissä.

Tule kuulemaan, millaista on työskennellä asiantuntijana bioalan ja ympäristöalan yrityksissä – erityisesti startupeissa!

Lisätietoja ja ilmoittautuminen linkistä.

Sign up here!
Helsinki Think Company, Yliopistonkatu 4, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Oikislaiset Startupeissa

Tule kuuntelemaan ja keskustelemaan, kuinka oikeustieteen opiskelijat ja vastavalmistuneet voivat hyödyntää osaamistaan startup-skenessä ja yritysmaailmassa!‍

Puhujina tapahtumassa ovat Bär Barin Jasmiina Vilpponen, Riitaturva Oy:n Päivi Riutta, Fondian Timo Lappi ja Vapauden Kasper Hannula.



Host an event

Are you in need of a venue for an event that revolves around entrepreneurship, work-life skills or putting fresh ideas into action? You’ve come to the right place.
1. Take a look at our event guidelines and get to know the venues below.
2. Fill out the venue request form and wait for our team to get back to you.
3. If your event fits our guidelines, we warmly welcome you to host the best event ever.
Event guidelines

1. Our team reviews each venue request individually to assess whether or not the event in question is in line with our guidelines and operating hours. This means that not all venue requests are automatically accepted.

2. The organizer is responsible for all planning, furniture arrangements, marketing and catering for the event. During opening hours our team is happy to answer any questions and help you set up your presentation etc. if needed.

3. Helsinki Think Company is an inclusive community, free and open for all. As we offer event venues free of charge, we expect your event to also be free of any direct or indirect entrance fees for the participants.

4. Remember that the spaces are not meant for commercial purposes. If you’re not sure what this means, fill in the form anyway and wait for our team to contact you.

5. The spaces cannot be reserved for closed meetings or private parties. All of our venues are free coworking spaces, so you can simply pop in – there’s always room for a meeting. The Meilahti space is available for private booking for Terkko Health Hub partners. If you're interested in a partnership, please contact

6. Heads up, we won't evict people using our spaces for the duration of booked events. Who knows, maybe some randoms might reveal themselves to be your next customers or buddies.

Reserve a venue
Event calendar


Want to challenge yourself a bit more?

Take part in our programs, and find out how your knowledge can be applied to benefit the society. Our programs present the best opportunities to gain experience in the field of your interest and connect with like-minded people.
Check out upcoming programs
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