I studied arts and Finnish literature in the University of Helsinki for six years. In the beginning I just wanted to read as much as possible, then I planned to become and editor or a researcher. The closer I was to gratuating, the more I started to look for totally different options. I wanted some action instead of letters and words on paper.
I’ve never been the type of person who participates in student organizations or any association activities. I’m used to keeping my business mine as I think many Helsinki based people are. A loner finn mentality combined with the basic insecure feelings about myself and my skills.
Owing to the pandemic or whatever it may have been, I got to thinking about my life a bit deeper and succeeded in overcoming my nature.
What if there are ways of making an impact on one’s own life, really? What if I’d only reach more courageously for other people?
At the end you can never know what can come out of a small push.
So one winter evening a year ago, after the classes, despite my tiredness and hunger, I walked inside a brightly lit glass box office at Tiedekulma. I was greeted with a cosy atmosphere and a bit of nervousness from the other applicants' side.
I met our board to come for the first time - even though I didn’t know it yet back then.
It has been a great year – it's been fascinating to get to know so many new people and see what they do. Even more inspiring is to see what a collective of people can create together. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to learn from Helsinki Think Company. Everybody has been so warm and welcoming.
During my board year I have learnt project management and organizing. I have been using different digital tools and learnt about communications. Working in our programs I have learnt about multiple fields of study, business and society.
And all this is taught to me by Think Company employees and the organization. The culture of helping and sharing with each other is the best part of this community. I feel much more secure about what I am able to do with my academic expertise and my creativity after this year. I acknowledge my strengths and skills better and I’m ready to speak it out as well.
And the most valuable thing: I’ve seen others growing and developing too.
You can really make an impact on your life and the world by choosing unknown paths and by counting on yourself, your knowledge and on others' support.
That’s what an entrepreneurial mind is about.